Thanks to a brand new study made by TickPick, we can now know the perfect age when we set our sights on our favourite band. The study has also revealed the genre that makes our parents want to change our music tastes the most, as well as the genre preference that parents and children have in common.
Do you remember where you were and how old you were when you first laid ears on your favourite band or musician? It was likely a transformative time in your life, and that album probably still has a special place in your heart. Who knows, you may still adore that band to this day.
Well, according to a new study by TickPick, you were probably just starting your adolescence when you first made a connection with your favourite band EVER.
TickPick conducted a survey to discover how parents influence their children’s music tastes. Over 490 parents participated and more than 500 music listeners reflected on their musical experiences in their youth. Ultimately, the top 10 influencers on one’s music taste throughout their childhood are friends, radio, movies, father, mother, TV, concerts and festivals, siblings, social media and hobbies and interests.
The results revealed that most people discover their favourite musical artist at the age of 13, and are exposed to explicit music at 12-and-a-half. Cover your ears kids.
Apparently, the top five genres that are more likely to make a parent want to influence their children’s music taste away from it are Indie, Hard Rock, Jazz, Classic Rock and Heavy Metal in that very order. Additionally, parents and children who attend concerts together reported having stronger bonds than those who didn’t.
Furthermore, it was identified that the genre that parents and children have a common interest in is Pop. Who’dve thunk.
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Check out all of the results of the study here.