Brisbane rockers Tape/Off will hit the road in May to showcase their third album Fort Sensible – and to warm us up, they’ve just released the title track for our listening pleasure.

Billed as a “scathing high-energy anthem,” the track contains many of their hallmark characteristics including ferocious guitars, tribal beats, and socially conscious polemic.

“The idea of the song has been floating around for ages, and it’s just venting frustration built up from years of observing the Australian political landscape,” explains guitarist and vocalist Nathan Pickels.

“It seems like every time there’s a bit of hope – someone suggests an idea with serious merit – you think it’s going to get up, but it gets knocked on the head and you’re just left disappointed. It’s about that hope being crushed and feeling continually let down.

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“We’re no strangers to social commentary, but we try not to be overt. This is probably the most overt one we’ve done, just because we never want to tell people what to do.”

The band will release the album Fort Sensible on March 7th and will showcase the album live as part of their tour across the east coast of Australia in May.

Pickels believes its their most “sincere” record to date. ” It’s not like we’re pouring our hearts out or anything like that, but it’s the closest so far we’ve got to what we want to do both sonically and lyrically. We had the luxury of a bit more time and really got the sounds we wanted.”

Fort Sensible is available for pre-order now here.

Tape/Off 2025 Album Tour

Tickets on sale soon – more information at

Friday, May 9th
Iron & Resin Garage, Coolangatta

Saturday, May 10th
Soapbox Beer, Brisbane

Friday, May 16th
The Lansdowne Hotel, Sydney

Saturday, May 17th
La La La’s, Woolongong

Friday, May 23rd
The Crown & Anchor, Adelaide

Saturday, May 24th
The Gem, Melbourne

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