Tex Perkins has shown us many faces over the journey.
Front man for the evocative soundscapes of The Cruel Sea and the hard edged pub rock of The Beasts of Bourbon, collaborator on the Tex, Don and Charlie outings, and compadre to Tim Rogers on the TnT project. More recently seen leading the Tennessee Four in a night of memorable music in his turn in the Johnny Cash musical The Man In Black, Tex is now back once again to the lilting, dark country of Dark Horses, returning this October / November with a new LP, Everyone’s Alone and a select run of tour dates in support.
Everyone’s Alone shows yet another direction for the enigmatic singer/songwriter, while still filled with Perkins’ trademark gravel-tainted vocals and poetic reveries, this record is a mature, poignant follow up to 2011’s Dark Horses self titled debut.
The live set promises, as always, to be something special. Perkins’ world-weary growl will showcase songs from the new album, alongside gems like – “I know You Know I Know”, “Splendid Lie”, “Real Love”, A Name On Every One” and “She Speaks A Different Language”.
Join Tex Perkins and fellow Dark Horses – Charlie Owen, Joel Silbersher, James Cruickshank, Murray Paterson, Stephen Hadley and Gus Agars as they come together to snake their way along the East Coast, playing some of the finest tunes your ears will hear in 2012, joined by one of Melbourne’s most affable songsmiths Mike Noga (The Drones) to support.
Tex Perkins & The Dark Horses
Everyone’s Alone Tour
With Special Guest Mike Noga
Tix On Sale Now
Friday 19th October Country Club Launceston TAS
Country Club Avenue, Prospect Vale
Tix from www.tixtas.com.au and 1300 795 257
Saturday 20th October Wrest Point Hobart TAS
410 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart
Tix from www.tixtas.com.au and 1300 795 257
Thursday 1st November The Factory Sydney NSW
105 Victoria Road Marrickville
Tix from www.factorytheatre.com.au
Friday 2nd November Milton Theatre Milton NSW
69 Princes Highway Milton
Tix from Malibu Music – Ulladulla (02) 4455 5693 & Country Leather – Milton (02) 4455 3056
Saturday 3rd November Street Theatre Canberra ACT
Childers Street Canberra
$Tix from www.thestreet.org.au & 02 6247 1223
Thursday 8th November The Zoo Brisbane QLD
711 Ann Street Fortitude Valley
Tix from www.oztix.com.au
Friday 9th November Star Court Theatre Lismore NSW
126 Molesworth Street Lismore
Tix from www.starcourttheatre.com.au & Star Arcade Lismore 02 6622 5005
Thursday 15th November The Corner Hotel Melbourne VIC
57 Swan Street Richmond
Tix from www.corner.com.au & 03 9427 9198
Friday 16th November SSA Club Albury NSW
570-582 Olive Street Albury
Tix from www.ssaclub.com.au & 02 6041 2222
Friday 23rd November The Venue Townsville QLD
719 Flinders Street Townsville
Tix from www.oztix.com.au & the venue
Saturday 24th November Tanks Art Centre Cairns QLD
46 Collins Avenue Edge
Tic from www.ticketlink.com.au & 1300 855 835