Scarlett Johansson
Her Tom Waits cover album ‘Anywhere I Lay My Head’ was an exercise in futility – if she was trying to make people respect her more she couldn’t have gone about it any worse. They actually use this record for torture in Guantanamo Bay.
Lindsay Lohan
Poor Lindsay. Why couldn’t those paparazzi just leave her alone? After producing 2 albums full of songs about running from the paps, Lindsay put her talents to better use. By going to jail. Maybe she can tackle Johnny Cash covers next.
Eddie Murphy
Murphy had a hit with his song ‘Party All the Time’ back in the mid 1980s, unfortunately he didn’t know that partying all the time can cause irreversible damage to your judgement and his career (ex. Shrek) is now in a very steep downward spiral.
Russell Crowe
Yes it’s an obvious one, but so appalling it’s worth another mention. 30 Odd Foot Of Grunts was originally a very personal soundtrack to Crowe’s love-making, however his wife urged him to release it as she thought it held a powerful message. This is what happens when you mix anger issues with a recording studio.
Paris Hilton
Technically not an actress (there was that one film…), but worth a mention anyway. Her single ‘Stars Are Blind’ was so bad that the stars probably wished they were deaf too.
Brian Austen Green
Who said white men can’t rap? Former 90210 heart-throb brought out ‘One Stop Carnival’ in 1996, and coincidently 90,210 people were admitted to hospital for self induced ear trauma.
Bruce Willis
Action man Bruce Willis released ‘The Return of Bruno’ in 1987, which surprisingly got into the Billboard charts at #14, telling us that having Booker T and The Temptations as backing musicians really pays off. Unfortunately, Willis attempted another return to the studio which was an overwhelming failure. Whatchu Singin about Willis?
Mr T
Mr T released a rap album in 1984 named “Mr T’s Commandments”. It features possibly the worst rapping, most hilarious lyrics, and surprisingly awkward music video ever.
Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal plays guitar in a group called Thunderbox. Somehow he roped Stevie Wonder into doing a duet with him, obviously he’d never seen any of his films. Wait…
John Travolta
This is simply too awful for words. A duet with his daughter? Somebody call in protective services. Quick.
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