This was inevitable. It looks like stadium-rock band Thirty Seconds To Mars has finally started a cult. Jared Leto has made it quite obvious that he believes himself to be a messiah-like figure, now it seems as though he’s transformed that radical concept into a fully-fledged reality.
This year, the band hosted the inaugural Camp Mars Europe. For four consecutive years, the band have hosted Camp Mars festival in Malibu, California. The three-day festival allows fans to hang out with the band and engage in classic camp activities like hiking, yoga, and meditation — whilst also enjoying a live performance from the band. The European instalment of the festival took place at Mars Island in Croatia, over August 9th to 12th.
“Relax and restore with yoga amongst the trees, take a dip in the pool, catch a midnight screening or gaze at the stars, and catch two intimate performances with Thirty Seconds To Mars. Mars Island is an experience like no other,” a description for the event reads.
Watch: Thirty Seconds To Mars – ‘The Kill (Bury Me)’

The band took to social media to share photos from the event. Whilst we can’t deny that the festival looked idyllic; there were elements to the event that harked back to the Rajneesh movement.
The photos depicted a collection of Thirty Seconds To Mars devotees all clad in white, clinging on to the almighty gospel of Jared Leto. Leto himself has evidently fully embraced the comparisons he gets to Jesus Christ and is now, apparently, sporting an almost toga-like robe. The concept of Thirty Seconds To Mars fans embarking on a spiritual retreat is difficult to grasp, we weren’t even aware they sold white clothing in Hot Topic.
Ultimately, you’d have to undergo some sort of brainwashing to sit through the steaming pile of dogshit that was their last record.
Yes, this is a cult 🔺 #MarsIsland