It’s happening, we can feel it… Tool are gearing up for their first album in a decade, and it’s exciting. Before that happens, though, they’ve played a rare live track.
Filmed in Hershey, PA, fresh sound and footage has emerged on Ultimate Guitar of one of the very few performances we’ve seen of ‘Eulogy’, taken from ’96 LP Ænema. Also helping to turn the clock back is Maynard’s voice sounding the best it has in recent memory, and fans were genuinely thrilled to be privy to this one.
We can’t help but think that perhaps the track was played in memory of the late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell who was just laid to rest this week. While the lyrics to this eulogy aren’t entirely complimentary, the opening line of “he had a lot of nothing to say” echoes Soundgarden’s first b-side, ‘Nothing To Say’ – but perhaps it’s just a coincidence.
Either way, check out this rare cut elow.

Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that the track hadn’t been played live in 16 years, but some local fans have since informed us that it was played on an Australian tour. We’ve updated the article to reflect this.