Hailing from the central Coast of NSW, singer songwriter ‘to watch’ Nathan Hawes recently unveiled his stunning new five-track EP I Wasn’t There.

The record sees Nathan conjure a soulful, melancholic sound drawing comparisons to legendary indie artists such as Bon Iver and James Blake as well as the emotive styling’s of Ben Howard and rousing soulful folk of Fleet Foxes.

“I don’t make a set time to sit down and write new songs, it just happens as a result of something happening in your life. You write it down and it evolves into a song. It’s such a strange process releasing new music to everyone, not knowing what they’re going to think about it.” explained the 18 year old singer-songwriter.

To celebrate the release of the EP, Nathan has kindly penned a track by track run down of the record which you can cheek out below. I Wasn’t There EP is out now via Universal.

Left With The Wolves

I wrote this song when I was 16 about the end of a relationship. I never wanted to write a song about it when it all ended but I felt like I almost couldn’t stop myself from writing what had to be said.

Leave It Alone

The concept of this track came from a falling out I had with a close friend of mine about something that I chose to do musically with my career.
There was a different light shed on the situation and I never intended to write a song about the events that happened but it felt like that was the best way I was to cope with what had happened.


This track was written on the road traveling in between school and from being away from someone that I was very close to at the time. I soon realised how important this person was to me and how I learnt to grow as a person from being apart and alone.

I Wasn’t There

I finished writing this track in the studio and I wasn’t even sure wether or not to put it on the record. As we started laying down each of the elements for the song it became the most emotionally involved track of and I felt for myself and energy that was coming from everyone in the studio that it would best connect with the audience.

I’ll Remember

I’ll remember was written when I was living in Sydney and spending a lot of time away from my home and family, it wrote it as a reminder to myself to remember who you are and to remember the people who have given up a lot of their time for me.

National Tour Dates

Fri 29 Jan – Portland Arts Centre – Portland VIC
Tickets: http://www.glenelg.vic.gov.au/ticketing

Sun 31 Jan – Jive Bar – Adelaide SA
Tickets: www.moshtix.com.au

Sun 7 Feb – The Astor Lounge – Perth WA
Tickets: http://astortheatreperth.com/

Thu 11 Feb – Gracelands – Central Coast NSW 
Tickets: http://goingtogracelands.com/

Sat 13 Feb – The Lair at Metro Theatre – Sydney NSW 
Tickets: http://www.metrotheatre.com.au/

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