Mike Waters has been busy collaborating with fans far and wide for his unique new music video for ‘Feels Like Home’. The clip saw Mike reaching out to fans for their favourite festival photos and the result is an inspiring look into why we love our summer music festivals.
“I wrote ‘Feels Like Home’ last year just after a pretty brutal house hunt,” explained Mike. “I got lucky with the place in the end, it was a nice house with this incredible old school red carpet. At the time I was strugging to write any songs.”
“Everything I wrote I didn’t like; there was a lot on my mind at the time. The house that I’d just moved into was the sixth place I’d lived in four years, and I hadn’t really felt that sense of ‘home’ for a really long time.”
“Anyway, I was lucky enough to get away for a weekend to Splendour in the Grass and it was a huge injection of inspiration and motivation. I got lost in the vibe of this huge temporary city that just appeared in the wilderness and I was overcome by this incredible sense of nostalgia that I remember from when I was younger.”
“When I came home I just knew exactly what I wanted to write about – I wrote Feels Like Home about what home means to me, about having this new home, about how feeling music in a crowd is this unique, shared human experience, and about writing music from the heart.”
The video, for which Mike worked with filmmakers Max Rawicz and Jam Nawaz, is the perfect accompaniment for what’s sure to be another exciting summer festival season filled with great memories.