It’s hot out there for a touring, recording band in 2019. It’s understandable if bands choose to look out for themselves, it was awesome when Tyler Swift devised a contract clause to benefit all the artists on her record label, but UK metalcores While She Sleeps have done the straight up admirable, by releasing a free-to-use merch design with the aim of helping every working band, ever.
The band announced their call to arms today, posting the actual merch design alongside an open letter stating their intentions.
The band set the scene in the letter, admitting that while music consumption, both streaming and live shows, is thriving “That doesn’t mean there are thousands in the bank” for working musicians. On top of that, While She Sleeps make note of “A long line of people with a straw in the glass who are going to make sure they get a drink before the artist.”
As such, While She Sleeps, who enjoy a swelling and adoring Australian fanbase, are taking a stand, and urging fans and their peers to support each other by buying merch. This is where the simple, but effective merch design comes in.
In basic font with no distractions, the design reads “One t-shirt is the equivalent of 5000 streams on Spotify. 76% of all music in 2019 is streamed and not bought physically or digitally Band merch is the most direct way to support an artist.”
The band explain the design is “for all bands” to use, and is far from a fashion statement, and encourage fellow working musicians to download the template and begin printing their own without worrying about stepping on any toes.
“It’s here to show people how much of an impact buying merch has” the open letter concludes.
The t-shirt is currently for sale via While She Sleeps official website.
This is about how you can support the music you love.
Not just our band and our music – this is aimed at every working band trying to make music and get it out there. We are launching a free-to-use design to highlight the realities of being a band today.— WHILE SHE SLEEPS (@whileshesleeps) August 7, 2019