50 Cent is the latest celebrity to criticise Kanye West’s haphazard 2020 Presidential bid. He sees Kanye’s announcement as nothing more than a convenient diversion for Trump, who’s slumping in the polls following his catastrophic handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

50 spoke to Billboard about the issue. “I’m going to run to create a diversion for someone else,” he said in a sarcastic nod to what he believes are Kanye’s real motives. Kanye claimed last week that he’s done with Trump. But given his company YEEZY just received a $2 million+ payout from the US government, 50 has grounds to believe they’re still bosom buddies.

“Would you run against someone who just gave you $2 million?” he said to Billboard. He then doubled down on the idea that West still backs Trump. “Remember the last president called you a jackass,” he said. “Maybe that’s why you embrace this one.”

But 50 stopped short of dismissing Trump outright. In fact, in Trump he sees a somewhat kindred spirit. “You know what I learned from my president? That I don’t have to be apologetic,” he said. He then spoke directly to his critics: “And whatever the fuck you said is fake news.”

50 and West have a long history of political disagreement. Back in 2005, when we still thought Kanye could save our souls, 50 defended President George W. Bush against Kanye’s criticisms. To recap, Kanye said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people,” during a live telethon following Hurricane Katrina’s wreckage of New Orleans.

Speaking to The Guardian in early 2006, 50 said, “I don’t think anyone was prepared for Katrina.” He’d already expressed his admiration for Bush the previous November. “I wanna meet George Bush, just shake his hand and tell him how much of me I see in him,” he told GQ.

The following year, 50’s Curtis came out on the same day as West’s Graduation. The pair engaged in a well publicised battle for the number one spot on the US Billboard 200. West was ultimately victorious, with Graduation outselling Curtis by roughly 300,000 copies in the US.

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Meanwhile, it looks like West has already reneged on his Presidential aspirations. So perhaps now it’s 50’s turn?

Check out ‘Ye vs. the People’ by Kanye West and TI:

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