By the end of every week there are a bunch of music-related stories, cool links, videos, and other internet ditties that are a little on the trashy side.
As a remedy to this, we’re happy to introduce our new column Trash Can– our avenue for sharing the funny, the weird, and the downright tacky music stories of the week. Enjoy!
Pete Doherty Is Selling Amy Winehouse and Kate Moss’ Cigarette Butts
Oh Petey, boy. Whenever will you learn that the secret to happiness doesn’t lie in ash, or tar, or any other solvent? The Babyshambles frontman, who was recently denied allowance to play sideshows during his Splendour visit, has opened a store in London called Doherty & Martin: The Rag & Bone Collection in a bid to sell off memorabilia from his Libertines days. Among the items being sold is apparently a collection of used cigarette butts that had previously touched the lips of the singer’s former flames Amy Winehouse and Kate Moss, along with a number of other rockers. Doherty said in an interview with NME “I’ve got fag butts that belong to Bobby Gillespie, Kate Moss and Amy Winehouse, and I’ve got Christmas paper that [former Coventry City goalkeeper] Steve Ogrizovic sent to the guy from Black Sabbath. All kinds of shit, basically.” Start the bidding!
Blur Member Responsible For 1% Of Champagne Consumption In UK
Blur bassist and all around nice guy Alex James leads a relatively clean cut life now that the height of Brit-pop is over. He makes cheese, he gardens. However in the peak of his youth, the former coke-head and all-around substance abuser loved a bit of bub to wash down all the other illicit substances. Don’t worry though, it wasn’t all self-serving. The muso was such an avid consumer of high priced bubbly that in In 1996, James claims that he alone was responsible for consuming 1% of all the Champagne imported into the UK. Wait to bump up the economy. We wonder if the boys will indulge in some liquid heaven from the Yarra Valley while they’re here for Big Day Out.
Phil Collins’ Nephew Is A Cocaine Kingpin
We might all just be looking for ‘Another Day In Paradise’ but it turns out Phil Collins’ nephew, Phil Austin Collins, might be looking for it in a bit of a naughty way. Phil Jr was caught with £3 million worth of cocaine in the last year alone. Now, The Daily Mail reports that “a gang led by Phil Collins’s nephew recruited two young women who are being held in Peru on suspicion of drug smuggling.” The two ladies tried to smuggle £1.5 million of the illicit drug into the country after allegedly being held at gunpoint. It’s said despite the overwhelming evidence, Collins will be pleading not guilty.
Ever Wanna See A Radiohead Drag Show? Yeah You Did.
There are certain things very few people could dream up and this in one of them. Some lovely ahem… ladies have taken their love for the Yorke/Godrich musical partnership to a new level by choreographing an entire drag show based on their back catalogue. With covers of ‘Karma Police’ ‘Airbag’ and the ever haunting ‘Exit Music (For A Film)’ under their belts, we can’t help but wish for a similar themed show Down Under. Because sequins and melancholy music go hand in hand. Obviously. Check out more videos here.
There’s New Direction Toy For Kids That Sings About One Night Stands
Okay, we get that One Direction are really big with the little ones but surely there aren’t too many toddlers belting their tunes? A One Direction branded teddy bear, aimed at kids under the age of ten, has recently been released and the dancing toy sings one of the boy band’s most famous hits ‘Live While We’re Young’ , which just happens to be about one night stands.. Among the lyrics that the teddy sings are “Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’till we see the sun/ I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love/ And never, never, never stop for anyone/ Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young.” Nice one guys.