Coldplay recently returned to the scene to tease fans about an upcoming new album. They’ve apparently launched a viral marketing campaign which has included putting up cryptic posters on the London underground.
The posters bear a kaleidoscopic circle graphic and the date 5th December. Coldplay-loving sleuths have pretty much confirmed it’s Coldplay’s doing by matching the design to the band’s website and Chris Martin’s shirt.
But that’s not the only pattern-matching going on amongst music fans on social media. Quite a few fans of metalcore outfit Bring Me The Horizon have noticed similarities between Coldplay’s artwork and BMTH’s cover for Sempiternal.
It wouldn’t be the first time that Coldplay have been accused of such things. The arena giants famously filmed a music video in Sydney’s Newtown neighbourhood last year, which drew comparisons to a similar Sticky Fingers clip.
However, in that case, the band wasn’t particularly bothered by the alleged theft, with bassist Paddy Cornwall telling, “It’s probably a coincidence, you’d have to ask Chris Martin that.”
Cant wait to hear Coldplays new album Sempiternal!!!!1!1!2 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃😋😋😋😋👍🏼
— Abi (@bmthdrown_) October 30, 2015
@coldplay Jackin our steez hard
— Oliver Sykes (@olobersyko) October 30, 2015
Bring Me The Horizon, on the other hand, aren’t really fans of that whole ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ thing. Frontman Oli Sykes recently took to Twitter to call out Martin and co for, “jackin our steez hard.”
Coldplay pretty much went radio silence on us following the release of 2014’s Ghost Stories, which was promoted with only a handful of intimate live performances, including an appearance at Sydney’s Enmore Theatre.
However, reports indicate the band have been hard at work on a follow-up. In December 2014, Christ Martin said the band’s next album, their seventh, will be titled A Head Full of Dreams and will be treated as the “final thing we’re doing”.