Melbourne punk rockers Duckeye are gearing up to unleash their brand new album Songs From the Grunt.

A follow on from their 2013 debut release Husband and their 2014 release Commando Too –  Songs From the Grunt is overflowing with manic and undeniably fun punk rock.

As well as pumping out albums at record speeds the guys also managed to throw their own music festival and save a man from downing – yep! Fascinating group of characters Duckeye.

To celebrate the release of their upcoming new LP the guys have kindly penned a track by track rundown of each some on the album which you can check out below along with the premiere stream. Give it a spin and if you like what you’re hearing be sure to pop by the band’s Facebook page for more info.


Tells the all too common story of when you’re fighting someone and before you know, you’re having consensual sex.


This is about an illegal warehouse gig we played in Sydney after the government imposed their lockout laws and further hindered live music. By far the most intense show we’ve ever played. Drugs literally thrown around, smashed bottles, people falling from the rafters, people having sex in the toilets. Good fun.

Hot Nuts

Randy from Lamb Of God wrote a story on Instagram about how he nearly crashed his pick-up truck after spilling hot coffee on his balls. I asked if we could write a song about it, he agreed. When LOG tour, Randy usually stays at Sam (vocal)’s place, he heard a rough mix of the song and contributed vocals to the chorus. He’s a lovely man.


This song is about trying to be tolerant with hateful “Christian” idiots on the Internet, but ultimately rising to the bait and destroying them.

Wide On

I, (Classic Matt) was drunk one night and got into a car I thought was a taxi, but was actually some creepy guy’s white station wagon who then propositioned me for sex. I escaped at some traffic lights, ran, hid and then vomited on someone’s veranda.

Papsmear The Clown

This song tells the story of a down on his luck and depressed clown in the style of a Foo Fighters song.

Ben Outta 10

Ben is Sam (vocals) and my older brother. He lives in what Jules (bass) thinks is a pirate hut. We played this song for him and he hated it.

The Quickening

This may be long remembered as our masterpiece. A 7-minute multi-part operetta telling the story of the Highlander films from both the perspective of the viewer and the Kurgan (The Highlander’s arch-villain). Very Meta. Musically, imagine if Queen and Mastodon wrote a song for Grease.

Fart Of The Year

This is about whom in the band do the best farts. Yep…

Uncle Reg

Here’s a story about Uncle Reg; when bushfires threatened the town of Tenterfield, Uncle Reg was contacted as he was the only man in town physically big and strong enough to drive the vintage tank of a fire engine into the scrub to save homes and families. A TRUE HERO.

Clean Snap

Once when we toured to Adelaide we arrived at the venue and the owner told us we had to use his equipment and not play. The amps were ok, but the drumkit was substandard. Also we had to get off early so his mates could play bad Sabbath covers. Sam did a shit in the carpark as thanks.

Pish Paste

You can listen to the lyrics of this one; there’s not much mystery to it. This may be considered our first (and most likely last) foray into “Nintendo-core”.


This is a THANK YOU to the Legends who Pledged to help support our 3rd album. Hope you enjoy!!!

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