A few months back, Alex Turner’s obvious man-crush on Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker culminated in an impromptu tribute song performed at Poland’s Open’er Festival. The Arctic Monkeys frontman had previously covered Tame Impala for Like A Version.
Turner, bandmate Miles Kane, and co had been performing a cover of the David Bowie classic ‘Moonage Daydream’ to honour the late rock legend, and turned it into a Parker tribute after Turner noticed the dark clouds in the sky.
Following the Bowie cover, Turner improvised a new song, singing, “There’s a storm brewing… there’s a storm brewing in the form of Tame Impala,” proceeding to sing it for the next several minutes. “Kevin Parker controls the weather system around here,” Turner eventually added
Parker has now addressed the tribute in an interview with DIY. ““We were waiting in our dressing room – I was extremely sick, it was the show straight after Glastonbury, and I just got really violently ill,” he explained.
Indeed, Parker spooked quite a few fans when he took to the Tame Impala Instagram page to share an image of him in an oxygen mask being tended to by Open’er Festival medical staff.
“I almost couldn’t play, so we heard that they made up this impromptu Tame Impala tribute jam, and I was like, ‘Oh no!’” he added. “It was the one night where I just wanted to get through it, I didn’t want anyone to hype it up, I didn’t want anyone to ramp it up. It’s sweet of them, really… They probably helped to save it.”