Community radio music directors often have an encyclopedic knowledge of local music and an insatiable thirst to keep their ears ahead of the curve. So in this Tone Deaf series, the Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (Amrap) invites music directors to highlight new Aussie tunes that you might have missed.

In this edition, Tim Higgins from 2ser FM in Sydney contributes with a selection of tracks currently making their way to community radio through Amrap’s music distribution service ‘AirIt’.

Check out Tim’s selections below and if you’re a musician you can apply here to have your music distributed for free to community radio on Amrap’s AirIt.

This week’s 6 best Australian bands

Godriguez – ‘Make This Magic’

The debut LP from Sydney beat-maker Godriguez Vol.1 ’14-’18 was compiled from seven beat-tapes of over six hours worth of beats, created over four years. If some tracks sound familiar, it’s because they are backing beats to one of Australia’s best hip-hop artists, Sampa The Great’s past work.

Godriguez takes influence from countless styles, ranging from classical to Cuban religious music to flamenco, but his production ability makes everything flow, and allows him to create his own unique sound.

Jamie Hutchings – ‘December Park’

Love Australian rock? Perhaps you were a fan of ’90s Sydney legends Bluebottle Kiss? You might not know that ex-Bluebottle Kiss frontman Jamie Hutchings is still making music, and it’s well worth a listen.

Bedsit is his first solo album in seven years, and offers up raw and intimate folk, filled with heartache and passion. It feels like Hutchings has held nothing back here, with every crack of his voice drawing you in further to this beautiful album.

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Emily Wurramara – ‘Ngarrukwujenama’

Out of Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory, Emily Wurramara’s music is up there with the most beautiful, and uplifting tracks I’ve heard in some time. Sung in her first language, Anindilyakwa, her latest single ‘Ngarrukwujenama’ was written as a response to mining near her home and the brave battle that took place to bring it to an end.

You know a song is truly great when you can’t focus on anything else when you hear it, and that is exactly what happens when I listen to this.

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Tim & The Boys – ‘Hey’

Despite these Sydney hooligans stealing what would have been my perfect gang name, I still can’t get enough of their raw, DIY sound. Their use of drum machine loops, distorted guitars melodies and delay-fuelled vocals is a winning combination. With a new album out, 2018 very well could be the year for Tim & The Boys.

Totally Mild – ‘Today Tonight’

Talking about albums, the new release from Melbourne quartet Totally Mild is lush jangle pop at its best. The production of Her has Totally Mild sounding polished, spacious and really allows the passion and technicality of Elizabeth Mitchell to shine through. Her was a recent 2ser FM feature album, as it’s incredibly strong from start to finish!

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Spike Vincent – ‘Lie In The Dust’

Lastly, I’m loving the debut EP from Sydney’s Spike Vincent. It’s ’80s inspired lo-fi pop-rock, with pounding drums, warped guitars, and synths acting as the perfect backdrop for Spike’s powerful vocals. It’s hard to believe an EP this tight was recorded live in front of small group of friends!

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