In a perfect world, everyone we associate with follows a strict set of rules which dictates how we live our lives so that fairness and equity is achieved. However, as Melbourne’s Cherry Bar have recently discovered, we don’t live in a perfect world, as they attempt to track down some thieves who stole a mirror that was gifted to them by Dave Grohl.
Taking to Facebook recently, the beloved venue shared images of some men who “appear to have” stolen a Foo Fighters mirror from a bar wall on Friday night while distracting security guards.
“This mirror was a gift from Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighters to Cherry Bar (when the band toured earlier this [year]) and we want it back,” Cherry Bar stated. “We would prefer not to involve the Police.”
“When someone steals your Dave Grohl gift…There Is Nothing Left To Lose. So get on your….Wheels…don’t be….The Pretender…return what belongs to Cherry and then….Learn To Fly.”
While the venue stated they would prefer not to involve police as they “have bigger fish to fry,” all efforts so far to locate the mirror have been fruitless.
“We have not had our Foo Fighters’ mirror returned yet, sadly,” the venue revealed in a follow-up post yesterday. “We would implore these guys to…take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror, and then return the mirror.”
“Thieves, you have until 3am tonight (well technically 3am Monday when we close tonight) to return our Foo Fighters’ mirror to Cherry (no questions asked) or we’ll go to the Vic Police and your Bank, who have your full contact details, given we already have your credit card particulars.”
“So wipe that evil smile off your face and do the right thing.”
Cherry Bar also revealed that members of the Foo Fighters “family” have contacted with them in regards to giving them a replacement mirror, but understandably, the venue would prefer the original one returned.
Since the deadline for the thieves to return the mirror without question has now passed, we’ll have to sit back and wait to see if the mirror has indeed made a return to the venue, or if the police have been involved. Either way, we hope that the Foo Fighters mirror returns to its rightful home on the wall of Cherry Bar.