Have you ever found yourself entertaining dreams of stardom that extend far beyond the instruments in your bedroom? Have you ever wanted to record your own music, and release it into the world, sharing your passion and talent with everyone else? Well, thanks to Melbourne’s Box Hill Institute, this dream could very well become a reality, with over $4,000 in recording time up for grabs.

Melbourne’s iconic Sing Sing Studios, who have hosted the likes of Midnight Oil, Elvis Costello, Paul Kelly, Powderfinger, and much more, are opening their Sing Sing East Studio at Box Hill Institute, and they want you to be one of the first musicians to try out the new world-class facilities.

Having launched their Sing Sing East Studio Time competition last month, Melbourne’s Box Hill Institute hopes to give some of Australia’s budding musicians the much-needed boost in their burgeoning careers by giving them some studio time with an engineer to help polish off some off some of those demo tracks and turn them into hits.

“Giving opportunities to home-grown artists and allowing them the platform to develop their unique sounds and record in a studio is invaluable,” explained Matthew Voigt, the manager of Music Sound and Audio at Box Hill Institute.

So what do you have to do? Click the link below to head to the competition entry page, upload a YouTube link to your original track, and fill out the registration form while adhering to all the guidelines set out on the page. Once you’re all signed up, rally your mates to check out your YouTube clip, and the video with the most views between June 1st and July 30th will be crowned the winner.

The first place winner will score themselves $4,200 worth of studio time with an engineer, while the second place winner will score $2,800 worth of time, and third place will receive $1,400 worth of studio time with an engineer. No matter how you look at it, this is the way to give your career the huge boost that it needs, so be sure to sign up before 11.59pm AEST 30th July 2018, and before long we could be seeing your name on some of Australia’s biggest stages.


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Check out Box Hill Institute’s Sing Sing East Studio Time competition:

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