Every one of us has seen one of those bands who just blow us away when we listen to them. Thanks to their level of technical proficiency, these acts are often among the best of their genre, and frequently inspire young musicians to pick up an instrument.

However, more often than not, these acts end up being far too challenging to recreate for an average musician.

We’ve decided to take a look at some of those astonishing acts whose very existence cause us to throw down our instrument of choice in a fit of frustration.

Snarky Puppy

For almost 15 years, the world of jazz fusion has been mesmerised by the musical collective that is Snarky Puppy. Consisting of up to 40 different musicians, each and every member of Snarky Puppy is an astonishingly-talented musician whose talents have been recognised by some of the biggest names in music.

With a prolific recording output and a tendency to deliver some of the most mesmerising and immersive music imaginable, Snarky Puppy have gained themselves a rather voracious global following, with fans from all over enjoying every single second of their music.

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Kaki King

Ever since she released her first album back in 2003, Kaki King has been the idol of young guitarists everywhere. Possessing an uncanny ability to make her solo guitar tunes sound like they’re being played a band, this amazing musician delivers phenomenal tunes that sound easy to play, but are actually some of the most intricate and involved tracks you’ll ever hear. If you’re planning to pick up a guitar any time soon, use Kaki King for inspiration, but maybe save her songs for a few years down the line.

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Thundercat is one of those amazing musicians who are hard to categorise correctly. Showcasing his amazing bass-playing skills across a number of genres, and with a number of artists, he’s a musical revelation who can’t be held down.

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While you might have heard Thundercat thanks to his work with Kendrick Lamar, Childish Gambino, or Suicidal Tendencies, it’s his solo career that receives endless attention, with 2017’s Drunk being considered one of the best albums of the year by numerous publications.

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With all of BadBadNotGood‘s members having studied jazz at some point, this Canadian collective are one of the tightest and most impressive groups you’ll see anywhere. Delivering a kaleidoscopic style of music that borrows from funk, jazz, hip-hop, and electronica, BadBadNotGood are easy to love, but almost impossible to imitate.

With their 2016 album, IV, receiving almost unanimous acclaim from music fans around the world, and having reached a new audience thanks to their collaboration with Snoop Dogg, these musicians are undoubtedly going to be hanging around for quite a while, and frustrating new musos in the process.

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Vicki Genfan

One of the most underrated guitarists of the last few decades, Vicki Genfan has been delivering stunning acoustic guitar-based songs for years now, and turning heads at every turn. Earning titles like “the Jimi Hendrix of acoustic guitar”, Genfan might not be one of the most famous guitarists of all time, but she writes and performs with a passion that is rare to see. A musical teacher as well, if you’re keen on playing guitar like Vicki Genfan, she might be able to point you in the right direction.

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Kamasi Washington

If any musician is able to use the phrase “academically trained”, then as a general rule of thumb, you know they’re about to blow you away. Having released his first record back in 2004, this talented saxophone player has been doing the rounds ever since, collaborating with some of the most recognisable names in the business.

Since then, he’s only become even more popular and in-demand, with his major label debut record, The Epic, receiving widespread acclaim back in 2015. With an ability to deliver some of the most eclectic and impressive tunes you’ll hear anywhere, Kamasi Washington is one of those names whose appearance in your record collection can only result in good things.

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Hiatus Kiayote

If you’ve ever spent a single second listening to the majesty of Melbourne neo-soul group Hiatus Kaiyote, you can understand why they’re so beloved. With every one of this stunning quartet’s musicians being talented enough to lead their own band, this group are one of the most impressive and refreshing bands you’ll hear anywhere.

Having gained some pretty famous followers over the years, including the likes of Drake and Q-Tip, Hiatus Kaiyote have even scored themselves a Grammy Award nomination, making them one of the most critically acclaimed Aussie acts going around at the moment.

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For fans of rock music, Primus were that kooky group that made the South Park theme tune. For those with a good ear, Primus are one of the most talented rock groups out there, whose very discography is a journey through some of the most intricate jams imaginable.

Fronted by the formidable bass playing of Les Claypool, Primus features the impressive guitar playing of Larry “Ler” LaLonde, and the stunning rhythm section of Tim “Herb” Alexander. With their live shows turning into more of an experience than a regular gig, Primus are one of the most unassuming, yet most impressive rock acts going around.

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Sharon Isbin

Sharon Isbin’s career might have kicked off many decades ago, but she’s still one of the most impressive classical guitarists going around today. Having released her first solo album back in 1978, Isbin shows no signs of slowing down, having won Grammy Awards, worked with Martin Scorcese, and even performed at the US White House per invitation by Barrack Obama himself.

Throw into the mix a tendency to create some of the most intricate and impressive guitar-based tunes out there, and you’ve got one stunning musician in the form of Sharon Isbin.

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