Jack White has taken to social media to condemn an incident at his recent Canadian show, where two female concertgoers were forcibly prevented from kissing each other.
As CBC news reports, Jack White performed at Rogers Place in Edmonton, Canada on Friday night when the incident occurred.
“I embraced my girlfriend, and some staff member came in between us, and she said, ‘This is not allowed here,'” explained Allyson MacIvor.
“It was very violating and invasive,” MacIvor added. “It’s not something I’d ever imagine experiencing, honestly.”
Now, after the incident was brought to his attention, Jack White has taken to social media to express his disappointment at the incident.
“Its 2018 now and two people expressing affection shouldn’t have to hide,” he explained, while sharing an image of a “lesbian couple sharing a kiss at a Beatles concert in 1964”.
“The news that two women were stopped from kissing during my show in Edmonton really disappointed me. At the next show in Calgary I dedicated the song ‘Love Interruption’ to the two women and encouraged everyone in the crowd to kiss their loved ones.”
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While Allyson MacIvor has not commented any further on the matter, CBC reported that the manager of the venue offered an apology, as did the Oilers Entertainment Group, the organisers of the concert.
“We have an absolute zero tolerance for any form of discrimination,” said a spokesperson for the Oilers Entertainment Group, noting that the venue is a safe and inclusive space.