Ariana Grande has taken to Twitter to hit back at claims that she is milking ex-boyfriend Mac Miller’s death.

Grande has been horrifically slandered since Millar’s death, with Miller fans claiming that she contributed to his death due to their relationship breakdown.

Things reached a breaking point for Grande over Thanksgiving weekend, with Grande copping a barrage of accusation that she was milking Miller’s death after she shared a sentimental photo of him on her Instagram story.

“It scares me the way that some people think…I don’t like this world a lot of the time” she tweeted.

“Everything I feel is valid and safe. Everything I do is genuine and honest. There is no right or wrong during this period.”

Singer Halsey tweeted her support of Grande, tweeting “allow me the honour of telling ‘them’ to shut the fuck up.”

Miller and Grande broke up in May this year, with Miller passing away in September.

After his death, Grande posted a tribute to Miller, saying that she was “so mad, so sad I don’t know what to dp.”

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t fix or take your pain away…I hope you’re ok now.”

Check out Ariana Grande’s tribute to Mac Miller below

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