The Red Hot Chili Peppers have hit the stage with Eddie Vedder to cover some rock icons at a Los Angeles fundraising gig.

If you cast your mind back to October of 2018, you might recall hearing about the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ appearance at the annual fundraising gig for the Silverlake Conservatory of Music.

With a longstanding relationship with the Conservatory, previous years have seen a variety of different sets from the group at the fundraiser, while last year saw them cover the likes of The Allman Brothers Band and Jimi Hendrix.

Now, history has somewhat repeated itself, with the Red Hot Chili Peppers being joined by one of their contemporaries for a pair of classic covers.

Check out the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Eddie Vedder playing live:

As Rolling Stone reports, the Californian funk rockers hit up the fundraising gig on Saturday night for another year, where they played a ten-song set filled with classic tracks.

Notably, the set also featured the first live performance of Californication’s ‘Purple Stain’ since 2004, with the track serving as something of a taster of what was to come.

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After their set was done, the band teamed up with Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder for a cover of not only Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’, but also Jimi Hendrix’s rendition of Bob Dylan’s ‘All Along The Watchtower’.

Of course, this isn’t the first time the group have covered Hendrix, with last year’s appearance featuring a version of ‘Purple Haze’, and their sets having frequently featured a cover of the 1970 track ‘Fire’.

While the latter track has also appeared on albums and singles over the years, the band’s cover became rather infamous back in the ’90s, when they performed it during an actual fire at the controversial Woodstock 1999 concert.

Check out the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ ‘Purple Stain’:

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Red Hot Chili Peppers @ Silverlake Conservatory Of Music, Los Angeles 2/11/19 Setlist

‘Can’t Stop’
‘The Zephyr Song’
‘Dark Necessities’
‘Purple Stain’
‘Don’t Forget Me’
‘Suck My Kiss’
‘Soul To Squeeze’
‘By The Way’
‘Purple Rain’ (Prince cover) (With Eddie Vedder)
‘All Along The Watchtower’ (Bob Dylan/Jimi Hendrix cover) (With Eddie Vedder)

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