It’s been just over a year since Greta Van Fleet released their debut album, but it appears as though they’re already planning for album number two to be released soon.

Over the last couple of years, there has been plenty said about Detroit rock group Greta Van Fleet. Whether it’s their commanding performances, soaring vocals, or comparisons to Led Zeppelin, the group have been turning heads wherever they go.

Having released their debut album – Anthem Of The Peaceful Army – back in October of 2018 and scoring critical acclaim at almost every turn, the band seem to have hit upon a winning formula.

However, while the group explained earlier this year that they’re “working on something quite different” for their next release, fans have been wondering what it will sound like exactly. Now, in a new interview with Kerrang!, the band have revealed fans won’t have that long to wait before they find out.

“It’s intended to be a full release, a full album,” explained vocalist Josh Kiszka.

“For about two months in the heart of the summer of this year we really poured everything into the writing and recording, and we’re hoping that sometime earlier next year we’ll be able to put it out. We’re super excited about it.”

Having released ‘Always There’ from the A Million Little Pieces soundtrack back in September, fans have already had a taste of extra material recorded by the group during their last album sessions. However, it seems as though the new record will see the band continuing their evolution without any need to prove themselves.

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“Honestly, the way that we approach our music is that we’re writing it for anybody who has any reason to listen to it,” Kiszka added. “We’re creating something simply for the sake of making a work of art that we’re proud of, that we ourselves like to listen to.

“I don’t think we set out to prove anything, particularly, but to point out some things about the world and our society. There are some of those elements to this album. And it’s the next step I think, in the evolution and the sound of this band.”

While it remains to be seen when we’ll hear the first taste of the band’s second record, a release date of early 2020 indicates we won’t have too long to wait before the first single comes our way.

Check out ‘Always There’ by Greta Van Fleet:

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