Kid Rock has taken to Twitter to double down on his comments about Oprah Winfrey, just one day after he made headlines following a drunken rant against the broadcasting icon.

This weekend has clearly been a bit of a rough one for infamous musician Kid Rock, with the 48-year-old making headlines yesterday after going on a drunken rant against Oprah Winfrey.

Appearing at Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock N’ Roll Steakhouse (yes, that’s a real place and its real name), the musician found himself taking part in a drunken rant which saw him specifically targeting the likes of Oprah, Joy Behar, and Kathy Lee Gifford.

While it’s not clear what sparked the recent outburst, video of the incident went viral, and saw him specifically spouting phrases such as “fuck Oprah Winfrey” and claiming that “she can suck dick sideways.”

Attracting claims of racism during his speech, the musician kept on talking, undoubtedly raising as many eyebrows as he did questions in the process.

A few hours after the clip did the rounds online however, Kid Rock took to Twitter to try and explain his side of the story, managing to apparently double down on his comments.

“My people tried to get me to do The Oprah Winfrey show years ago and her people wanted me to write down 5 reasons why I loved her and her show,” he wrote, adding the LGBTQ flag for no obvious reason.

“I said fuck that and her. End of story.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time that Kid Rock has hit back at Oprah Winfrey though, setting his sights on the icon back in 2008 in an interview with The Independent, where he labelled her as his “real-life villain”.

“She rubs me up the wrong way,” he explains. “I just don’t believe her.

“Maybe it’s because I’m not one of the 150 million brainwashed women who heed her every word.”

Although Kid Rock hasn’t made any public apology for his comments (and frankly, we doubt there’s one coming), Oprah is also yet to comment on the matter.

Check out ‘Bawitdaba’ by Kid Rock:

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