Just in case you thought you’d seen everything, Dave Grohl has done one better, chugging a beer on stage with a fan dressed as Santa.

If you’ve ever been to a Foo Fighters gig, you’d likely be aware that there is a bloody good chance at least one fan will be pulled up on stage for whatever reason.

Why, we’ve seen John Travolta onstagefans in wheelchairsyoung childrenthe medic that tended to Dave Grohl’s broken leg, and the legendary KISS guy, but now, we’ve also seen a fan dressed as Freddie Mercury join these ranks.

On Saturday night though, the iconic rockers found themselves performing a set at Las Vegas’ Intersect music festival, as Billboard notes. Dishing out a powerful set of fan favourites and overlooked classics, it was as the band neared their 1995 classic ‘Big Me’ that Grohl began to get into the festive spirit.

Looking into the crowd, the frontman noted a fan dressed as Santa, urging him to get up on stage with the band. After a brief exchanging of words, the pair both cracked open a beer, shotgunning the beverage before Grohl wiped his face with the fan’s hat.

“Let’s hear it for Santa Claus! I love you Santa. Good thing that was a light beer,” Grohl joked after hugging the fan, noting that if Santa keeps sinking tins, he’s unlikely to get down the chimney on December 24th.

In related news, Dave Grohl recently revealed that the band are working on their new record, stating that it’s going to be “fucking weird”.

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“I don’t want to give away too much, but… we’re, like, right in the middle of it right now,” he explained, before being asked just how it’s going to differ from previous albums. “You’ll hear,” he added. “It’s fucking weird.”

Watch Dave Grohl shotgun a beer with Santa:

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