Silent Planet are ready to kick back into gear after having late 2019 off the road.

In late November, the group shut down their European touring with singer Garrett Russell revealing he needed a break to address his mental health. Now, after some needed time away, the band will resume their touring in late February.

The group stated, “It’s a genuine honour to announce our biggest headline tour yet: Trilogy 2020. Limited tickets and VIP are available now at: It’s been a long time in the making and we hope you can make it out to one of these shows. After everything that’s happened, we are excited to get back on the road and make some memories with you. Love you all. Be consumed.”

Last fall, Russell stated when revealing the band was pulling out of the tour that he struggled with mental illness. He added, “It’s one thing to talk about mental health… and it’s another thing to take care of it. I have been neglecting my own mental health, and unfortunately, I was given a harsh reminder over this last week. I had a series of episodes while in Europe, and I became a danger to myself. My bandmates, who love me very much, decided that we should all go home together. The care they’ve shown me has been the clearest depiction of grace I’ve ever seen in my life.” That marked the first shows the group had cancelled during their 10 years of existence.

Silent Planet are currently planning their new North American tour which will see them play through multiple American cities.

Currents, Invent Animate and Greyhaven will provide support during the “Trilogy 2020 Tour.” The band will issue a re-recorded version of their 2014 debut disc, The Night God Slept, on Jan. 24.

Watch the video for ‘Panic Room’ below

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