While the world continues its focus on COVID-19, some governments are using it as an opportunity to quietly pass laws that would otherwise cause backlash. Behemoth frontman Adam “Nergal” Darski has spoken against the Polish government who have pushed an abortion ban while others are distracted.
As gatherings of groups have been largely prohibited around the world in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, human rights groups are fearing that the lack of protests could entice Poland to push their conservative abortion ban, restricting the reproductive rights of Polish women, and Behemoth’s frontman is not happy about it.
Taking to Facebook, Nergal stated that he was “speechless and terrified” about the actions his home country is inflicting on its women.
“Polish government is using isolation restrictions to enact the complete abortion ban in my home country. I’m speechless and terrified to see how shameless they are on the way to utter victory… to turn Poland into next North Korea or Belarus. Utterly disgusting. I honestly hate the fact I breathe the same air…,” he wrote.
As this week marks when Poland’s parliament is set to discuss the ‘Stop Abortion’ act to tighten the already strict restrictions on abortion and it’s seen as devastating to women around the country.
With Poland facing similar social distancing restrictions, and their citizens similarly facing fines as us Aussies can for breaking the rules, protests are hard to come by, even though many of the country’s population are against the new proposed rule.
According to The Guardian, protests have still occurred with social distancing in mind as “dozens of women protested in central Warsaw, in cars and on bicycles, honking horns and displaying posters against the law.”
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Regardless of the protesters using safe distances to express their feelings on the topic of abortion, “police used megaphones to warn protesters they risked fines for breaking lockdown regulations.”
This isn’t the first time that the Behemoth frontman has spoken his mind about the Polish government – in 2012, the singer faced charges for tearing up a bible on stage, and in 2017 he fought and won a battle over a t-shirt design that mocked the crest of Poland.
Check out Nergal from Behemoth’s Facebook post: