Tones And I’s cover feature hits news stands and letter boxes in just a few days, but as revealed by Nova radio this morning, she’s already got her copy.

Fitzy & Wippa interviewed Tones And I this morning on their breakfast radio show on Nova 96.9, where the pair touched on the cover feature.

“I just want to say that I am so stoked that Rolling Stone Australia is back and it’s such a great front cover, that must have been a big honour for you Tones,” said Fitzy during the chat.

Tones And I said Rolling Stone sent her a blown up picture of the cover on a canvas, which she’s popped up on her wall, and that she plans to keep her copy of the mag forever.

“That’s going to be something that I’ll keep forever to look back at. And to be on the first one back,” she paused, before saying, “you always feel like it’s not going to be me, but you know, why not?”

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For the eight-page cover feature, featuring exclusive photography by Giulia McGauran (GG McG) and a poster, Rolling Stone Australia spent time at Tones’ home, met with her friends, and was a fly on the wall backstage at one of Australia’s biggest festivals.

The deep-dive into the phenomenon that is Tones And I takes a privileged look inside the world of an artist whose rise to fame is yet to be – and may never be – eclipsed.

Arriving on May 11th, the first issue of the magazine is set to be a major addition to the music and publishing industry, and is set to ensure lovers of music, sports, politics, and culture have everything they could ever dream of in one sharp homegrown package, while also helping to support long form journalism in the process.


Check out Tones And I’s video for ‘Bad Child’:

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