Content warning: This article mentions child grooming and sexual abuse. If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, you can find the appropriate local support services here.

Melbourne busker and registered sex offender Jan Winterbottom has been handed a four-and-a-half year jail sentence. Winterbottom pleaded guilty to a range of crimes including grooming a child under 16 and transmitting child pornography.

The 29-year-old Winterbottom was sentenced in the County Court of Victoria on Tuesday, May 5. The sentence related to a police raid in January 2019. Officials seized 970 videos and images of child exploitation material from Winterbottom’s property.

Among the ex-busker’s offences was the soliciting of pornographic images from three teenage girls in 2018. Winterbottom, then 26-years-old, sent the girls naked pictures of himself and told one girl of his desire to sexually assault children. Country Court Judge Claire Quin described his behaviour as “grotesque and vile”.

These weren’t Winterbottom’s first offences. He was already a registered sex offender, having been found guilty of similar offences in 2015. However, he had failed to comply with reporting obligations, which played a role in the severity of his sentence. Quin also said Winterbottom showed a lack of remorse and was at a high risk of reoffending.

The 29-year-old busker will be eligible for parole only after he’s spent two years and nine months in jail. So far Winterbottom has served 484 days.

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