Inspired by the synth-pop vibes from the ’80s, this trio of Adelaide pals led by vocalist Emma Fradd make up the groovy collective Heaps Good Friends.

Composed of mates Emma Fradd, Nick O’Connor, and more recently Dan Steinert, the quirky Adelaide outfit has been tossing up tunes together since 2016, and released their debut single ‘Let’s Hug Longer’ in their opening year.

That beginning track put the group on the fast-track to being well-known with the debut single grabbing a spot in high rotation via triple j. It also earned the group, which was only made up of Fraud and O’Connor at the time, an Unearthed slot at Aussie festival Groovin’ The Moo.

Now, with drummer Steinert in tow, the trio is complete, and they’ve got heaps of national tours under their belts, supporting giant names like Lime Cordiale, Polish Club, and The Jungle Giants.

With all this success in their arsenal, we thought it was time you got to know the group a little better in the wake of their newest release ‘Fold Laundry Together’, so we asked frontwoman Emma Fradd of Heaps Good Friends  a few questions.

Check out ‘Olympic Sneakers’ by Heaps Good Friends:

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How did your artist name come about?

We needed a name, ‘QUICK NICK, WE NEED A NAME!’ Well, we’re friends! Real good friends? Does that sound good? Pretty good friends? Is that palatable? Hm, ‘heaps good’ seemed Aussie and friendly enough.

We put our hands together, and voila!

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How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Nan, imagine fairy floss dating a scavenger hunt, but it’s a virgin birth… That’s what our music sounds like.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

‘Olympic Sneakers’ – “As soon as you leave / I’m taking off my makeup / I know we’re not together / But I wanna break up.” You know when you just spend way too much time thinking about someone, and there’s nothing even going on between the two of you? Kind of like Rachel and Joshua in season four of Friends. She just tries way too hard. He ends up liking her but…not everything is Hollywood, you know? Maybe I won’t even wear makeup next time!

‘Fold Laundry Together’ – And that is what we did! Late one night, with a glass of whiskey, in a big house in Atlanta, Georgia. My brother’s friend and I folding all of my brother’s family’s laundry. It was quite nice to have a task to be doing as you are chatting, getting to know someone. A pre-date, get to know you option, I would recommend to anyone!

‘Sooky La La’ – This one isn’t released yet, but it will be soon! How natural does complaining feel when you do it? But, then you look back on yourself, or you just see ANYONE complain, and it’s like you see it for what it really is! Yucky, sooky feelings. I wonder what else we could DO to combat what’s annoying us, and also put positivity into the world, yet still be authentic in expressing our feelings? Sometimes you gotta sook, though, don’t you? Maybe there are only a few people you can sook around, who really get it? Thank you, Mum, for putting up with me in the early stages of my development, (and, today, lol).

What do you love about your hometown?

My Mum lives there.

My Dad too. And my brother Tom, lol. There is one good coffee shop, called Sa Favi. Also, you can go to Woolies at night in your pyjamas and no one will care. It’s where I developed my love for music. Whenever I go home, my brother Tom and I walk to the corner store and buy a Crystal Brook Pasty (the best!) and we watch poker matches, or we play Detroit Become Human on the PS4 – it’s amazing.

My best friend Daniel and I used to learn Nirvana songs in his bedroom. We’d also save up 5C pieces, and go to Kmart and buy wrestling figurines to play with. Shit those memories are so special to me. “Port Pirie’s the place, to put a smile on your face.” is also a jingle my brothers and I made up one time.

Check out Heaps Good Friends’ ‘I Could Eat A Full Packet Of Yo Yo’s’:

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Career highlight so far?

  • Having hundreds of people scream music WE wrote back AT us! US! Can you believe it? Silly, smelly, little old us. It is so invigorating to cause joy in someone that way. Our fans really are the best. They have waited so patiently for us to release music! Thank you HGF Fam xx
  • Giving out 20 ukulele’s at a gig in Adelaide and leading the crowd in a tutorial in how to play one of our songs, ‘Gameshow’ (Nick’s idea, I think it went super well! Footage on our gram!).
  • Touring with the Jungle Giants.
  • Playing at Enmore a month after HAIM played there. “This is the SAME dressing room Haim were in!!” Pretty sure I touched every wall. I also found a real decent, hardly used set of drumsticks in an upstairs bathroom cabinet…I currently have them. Every time I use them, I tell myself, “Could be Haim’s?”

Fave non-music hobby?

  • Writing short stories (usually horror. My brother at I have a podcast! It’s called Sibling Horror).
  • Watching X Games re-runs, skateboarding of course.
  • I have been killing the exercise game in iso lately. For the whole month of April, I’ve worked out every day! That’s like….60 km ran, and thousands of squat/lunge/lifts…..feels good to feel good.
  • I like playing the game Mafia in large groups of people. I am very competitive though. Sometimes the balloon pops and I just need to walk away.

What’s on your dream rider?

It feels so sinful to even comment on this, but here I go! Nintendo 64 with the games Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 and WWF No Mercy. Piña coladas and espresso martinis, good craft, special beers for Nick, something pink and sugary for Dan. Any whole food snack for me, fruit and nuts for Dan, Nick might like some steamed veg/stir fry situation? A vegan laksa for the three of us and usually anything that we can take home with us later that night, makes us feel really mischievous, proud, and happy.

Dream music collaboration?

HAIM. OK, I feel like I’ve spoken too much about Haim in general. But, my love is pure I promise! Danielle Haim’s D R U M M I N G blows my mind. It is so…stripped back and genius. Also, gimme them harmonies, guitar licks, and Ariel, their producer! I would love to sit at their feet and learn from them. I also feel like…like maybe it wouldn’t actually work. :( I might just be a little too much of a fan girl and spoil the moment. *Sigh* – It’s OK though, I am literally OK with listening to them on repeat. They literally have the ability to fill me up.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully married with triplet boys. Doing music full time would be the ultimate dream, (the boys could come on the road with me). I’d love to do a tour across USA, walk the Camino, maybe write a song with my Dad? I would love to just buy Nick every Synth he has ever wanted and sponsor his studio upgrade with as much money as the HGF fund could cover, lol.

Dan? He’d start his own clothing line. I also daydreamed a situation where he came around to my house and gave a powerpoint presentation to me and my friends about why it’s important to recycle, the effects on the environment and why he chooses to be vegan. I feel like that could be a thing too.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

I always say ‘Lovefool’ by The Cardigans… But, I have a secret to tell you….are you ready? I’ve never done karaoke!

Check out Heaps Good Friends’ ‘Keep Your Dress Wrinkle Free’:

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