Described as one of the most emotive punk bands on the Aussie scene, local music fans are set to feel something special this week as Sydney’s Regionals release their Teenage Séance EP.

Having first formed only a few years ago, it didn’t take long before Regionals found themselves gathering a strong following across the country.

Releasing their debut EP – Sentimental Health – in 2018, Regionals managed to take their tunes to the masses thanks to some massive shows supporting the likes of Pianos Become the Teeth, Red City Radio, Have/Hold, and much more.

Earlier this year though, they returned with their latest single, the brooding ‘Steady Hands’. Described by singer and guitarist Brett Islaub as being “everything a Regionals song should be condensed into three and half minutes”, it boded well for the release of their forthcoming EP, Teenage Séance.

Now, with Teenage Séance set to release on Friday, May 15th, Regionals have given their fans a sneak peek of the EP, streaming it in full ahead of its official release.

Check out ‘Steady Hands’ by Regionals:

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A masterful five-track release that showcases Regionals’ expert skills in combining the musical aesthetics of mid-’90s emo with that of punk and grunge, Teenage Séance is easily one of the finest releases you’ll hear for some time.

Teenage Séance has essentially been a work in progress since the end of the Sentimental Health recording sessions,” Islaub explains.

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“Aaron [Costello, guitar] is relentlessly bringing song ideas to the rest of the band, so before I wrote any of the vocal parts the boys had worked out four or five songs they really liked and had worked through. It just so happened that they were the songs I felt I could cover as much lyrical ground as possible on out of that batch of demos.

“The record was made with Clayton [Segelov] and his team at The Brain, and Clayton just really understands our band and the sounds we want to achieve but also he adapts to each persons working style quickly, we love that dude.

“From a sound and lyrical perspective it’s much darker record but that’s just a representation of the timeframe this record was written in, it is what it is. Sonically, we wanted everything to be bigger and we’re giant pedal nerds so we experimented a lot more this time round which I think came out really nicely on the record.”

Regionals’ Teenage Séance is set to be released on Friday, May 15th. Head along to the group’s Spotify page on Friday to add it to your library, and be sure to give it an early play-through below.

Check out Teenage Séance by Regionals:

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