Paddy Bowden, who married Iron Maiden frontperson Bruce Dickinson 30 years ago, was discovered dead in the couple’s long-time West London home. Dickinson and Bowden are believed to have separated in 2018 after 29 years of marriage.

The Independent reported the news of Bowden’s death, sharing a statement from Dickinson that asks for privacy during this difficult time. “This is a terrible tragedy which appears to be a tragic accident,” Dickinson said. “Our children Austin, Griffin and Kia and I are devastated.

“Out of respect for Paddy we won’t be making any further comment at this hugely difficult and painful time for our family.”

Dickinson and Bowden had three children – Austin, born in 1990; Griffin, born in 1992; and Kia, born in 1994. Austin and Griffin have both followed in their father’s footsteps, embarking on careers in heavy rock music. Austin fronted the metalcore band Rise to Remain from 2006-2015 and currently leads the alt-metal act As Lions.

His younger brother Griffin joined metalcore act Cytota in 2014. The band’s named changed to SHVPES the following year and Griffin has performed lead vocals on their two full length releases to date. The couple’s daughter, Kia Dickinson, is said to be pursuing an acting career.

All three children were born and raised in the affluent district of Chiswick, West London. Dickinson had called Chiswick home since 1981, and Bowden’s body was discovered in the family home. The London Ambulance Service corroborated the news of a resident’s death.

In early May, Iron Maiden announced they won’t be playing any concerts until at least June 2021. The band’s Legacy of the Beast tour was due to run through Australia in May 2020, but they’re looking at new dates in the first half of 2022.

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