Daughter of Andrew Farriss of INXS, Grace Farriss has been making her own waves in both the music world, and in the natural world, releasing beautiful tunes while keeping the Earth in mind.
Releasing her debut single only last month, Sydney singer-songwriter Grace Farriss isn’t only a wizard in the music world, but also boasts being an ambassador for The Jane Goodall Institute as well as Sea Shepard, while also gearing up to launch her own mindful collective, The Grace Earth Organisation.
As an environmentalist and musician, her work often intertwines, with her debut single ‘All The People’ coming from a place where she was “thinking deeply about the larger and more worldly aspects of life.”
In wanting to celebrate the world’s cultural diversity, Grace Farriss notes that the song is “an explosion of my heart and I feel in many ways at this time, the worlds heart.”
“I have always had such a deep fascination with how all of the world’s cultures united and came to be and how we all interact with one another and interconnect through our wonderful cultural differences,” she continues.
“What I feel other cultures teach you is that we are all one and the same, which I feel music and the arts certainly accomplish to bring this awareness to us all so intimately and so beautifully, internally and in celebration with one another.”
With her new single only dropping a month ago and her debut album slated for release later this year, we dive into the Earth-conscious, and musically driven mind of Grace Farriss.
Check out ‘All The People’ by Grace Farriss:

Currently studying for a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, Farriss also holds the title as “an active advocate for the welfare of our earth and the environment we inhabit.”
As an ambassador through The Jane Goodall Institute, which puts in hard work around the globe for primates, as well as being an ambassador for the Sea Shepherd Organisation, which fights to save sea creatures through conservation, Farriss notes that she supports environmental causes: “this is what feels most important to me.”
Growing up to have close relationships with First Nations people, Farriss details that those “who have so much essential knowledge” have taught her “a great deal about the land and world we live in,” which has driven her to “becoming more aware and conscious of our environment.”
With her work through The Jane Goodall Institute, she is shining a light on the Roots & Shoots program, “which involves families and children and anyone who wants to be involved in growing their own plants and food and increasing their own awareness of being more connected to the natural world and its need for us to honour it.
“I believe that Jane Goodall’s work along with many other scientists and people of a similar nature provide information that is just so wonderful and so integral in the health of our amazing home we call earth.”
As for her work in Sea Shepherd, Farris notes that she “grew up on a farm and near the ocean which brought a lot of solace and comfort to me when I felt I needed it,” which led her to become an ambassador for the organisation.
“I garden and bush walk a lot and enjoy looking and being around trees for long periods of time. Listening to the birds and other creatures and the elements is the most uplifting and peaceful feeling to me.”
Check out Grace Farriss debuting her first single:
Launching later this year in December, the organisation is set to be a place for people to figure out how the can benefit from connecting to nature.
“It will help to inform people on the topics of our footprint and the health of our local environment, how we can adapt our lifestyles and our way of living, to be more in tune to how we can be more connected to nature in its purest form,” Farriss explains.
On top of being a hub of information on the benefits of how the natural world can have a positive impact on our well being, the organisation will also focus on many different topics and areas of environmentalism within the Earth.
Based on a firm foundation of scientific information, The Grace Earth Organisation is set to hold events to raise awareness about the place we call home, while looking into making a sustainable future.
“I am very passionate about the natural world and its many seasons and I want to do as much work as I can surrounding our connection to our natural world as possible,” Farriss states.
“The Grace Earth Organisation will bring much awareness to the people and the communities that may really need it for them to find comfort in becoming more aware and connected to their natural environment.
“This has been a passion that has been very close to my heart for my entire life and I am very much looking forward to the positive impact and changes that my organisation will have and the people it will reach.”