It’s been a little while since Sydney’s Dust Of Us released their track ‘7 Years’, but in true 2020 fashion, the pair have delivered an unexpected video for the gorgeous track.

For those paying close attention, it’s been around 15 months since the sibling duo Dust Of Us released ‘7 Years’. Their second track, ‘7 Years’ saw Ed and Lloyd Prescott showcase their talents as talented purveyors of dreamy tunes, mixing delightful indie-pop with electronica gorgeous soundscapes. Needless to say, it felt as though a single like this couldn’t be improved upon.

However, with the pair finding a bit of time on their hands throughout the last few months, they decided to give the track the visual accompaniment it deserved.

“We wanted to do a clip for this song a while back, but just didn’t feel like we had the right concept,” Ed explained. “Then after COVID hit, I stumbled across this amazing dancer named Rachel Coulson, who was filming herself on her iPhone and putting vids up on her Instagram to stay sane during lockdown.

“She has this really distinctive, emotive and uninhibited style that I thought would complement the song beautifully.”

Filmed in St. Leonards at Third Man Creative and directed by videographer Nicholas Langley, the single-shot clip sees Coulson dancing solo in a white room, with Ed noting that the setting of the video was kept as neutral as possible to ensure that the viewer’s focus was kept squarely on Coulson throughout.

“We didn’t initially intend for it to be all one shot – we started out shooting different angles and planning cuts,” Ed continues. “But then at the end of the day, our videographer Nick set up a gimbal to do roving stuff and it just looked so great with him following Rachel closely as she moved, that we decided it’d be bolder as a single shot.

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“She must’ve been absolutely exhausted by the end of the day – it’s an extremely physical performance to deliver in a full take – but if she was, she didn’t show it. A total pro.”

The end result is as professional as Ed claims Coulson performs, with the masterful mix of Dust Of Us’ mesmerising music accompanying these powerful moves in a way that leaves the viewer with a visceral feeling akin to a spiritual awakening.

While ‘7 Years’ might have been in the world for a while, its visual accompaniment serves as the first in a string of new material from the group this year. While they’ve got more videos and another single planned before the end of 2020, eager fans can look forward to the release of their debut EP near the beginning of 2021.

Check out the video for ‘7 Years’ by Dust Of Us:

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