Closing out a tumultuous year with an EP on the way, Adelaide collective Seabass have offered up their latest tune today, sharing the video clip to the energetic ‘Burn’.

If you’re not yet across the works of Seabass, then you might just need to turn your attention to the City of Churches more often. Hailing from Adelaide, the four-piece (who were recently up for the Best New Artist, Best Group, and Rock awards at the South Australian Music Awards, and took home the prestigious Emily Burrows award) have only been on the scene for a short while, having come together in 2019 after landing a support slot for activist outfit Pussy Riot.

With a handful of tracks to their name, and good things on the horizon, the quartet overcame the halting momentum of 2020 to continue to kick goals, pooling their collective influences into their craft, with a number of fiery studio sessions giving rise to their forthcoming debut EP, Always Kidding.

While the EP is on track to be released next year, fans can now hear a fresh taste, with ‘Burn’ serving as an urgent and relevant track that was inspired by not only Australia’s horrific bushfire season, but incidents of Indigenous deaths in custody (in particular, the murder of Kumanjayi Walker).

Encapsulating a feeling of helplessness with an urge to keep going, ‘Burn’ is the spark we need to know we’re not yet defeated, and that the future can be far brighter as long as we choose not to sit by and watch it all burn.

“Although the song itself is uplifting and a call to mobilise against stupidity and inaction, there are undertones of desperation and hopelessness that ride with the need to push through,” explained Seabass’ Annie Siegmann.

“I remember sitting on my sound and this song literally fell out of me at 8am one morning into a demo session on my computer. We tidied the track up her and there but ultimately this is how it first sounded that one emotional desperate morning. 2019 was a big year for injustice…we should have known what was around the corner. Luckily, my band had each other and music.”

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To further the message behind the music, Seabass teamed up with Adelaide photographer Sam Graves and Lily Drummond Films to help create an accompanying video clip that helps to contextualise the track. Though the group note that a litany of varying ideas made the entire process something of a daunting one, the talent of the creatives they worked with helped to refine the ideas into something special.

“Lily Drummond did an amazing job of weaving together a whole bunch of disparate ideas into something watchable,” explained Flik Freeman. “We have big ideas for future vids, so bloody watch out alright!”

While ‘Burn’ is out now, Seabass are indeed gearing up to start employing their big ideas, with their debut EP set to arrive in February of 2021. Keep an eye out for the EP, and make sure you’re following Seabass so that you don’t miss a single minute of what they’re up to.

Check out ‘Burn’ by Seabass:

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