Live music all around the world has copped it super unfairly. And now a punk gig in Florida is really upping the anti.

With the vaccination posing itself as another safety measure to adhere to when it comes to events like live gigs, now, a concert promoter in Florida is charing $18 to those who have been vaccinated, versus $999.99 for those who have not been vaccinated.

Promoter Paul Williams of Leadfoot Productions said, “We’re just trying to do a show safely. And they should go out and get vaccinated to protect themselves and their families and their community.”

He continued to explain, “I also wanted it to be a vaccine drive to get the fence-sitters off the fence. I wanted to get the kids that want to go to shows to go out and get their shots.”

As per Consequence of Sound, the gig’s lineup features the bands Teenage Bottlerocket, MakeWar, and Rutterkin.

There is yet to be a buyer of the $999.99 ticket, but according to the publication Williams has said to anyone who does purchase a ticket, “You can buy a full-price ticket and you’ll be treated like everyone else.”

Despite the ticket pricing being pretty dramatic for this one gig in particular, the vaccination status in Florida is actually a lot more laidback, which is perhaps why Williams even came up with his scheme for the punk gig to begin with.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stated, “In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision.”

And DeSantis’ office also issued a statement on the $999.99 ticket price. And they are not backing the ‘incentive’. They said, “Charging higher ticket prices for individuals who do not furnish proof of vaccination unfairly discriminates against people who have enumerated rights under Florida law.”

For more on this topic, follow the Classic Rock Observer and the Industry Observer.

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