Mitch Winehouse, troubled singer Amy’s father, has barely been out of the press since his daughter’s recent death, and with any luck the bereaved dad will be able to retreat in privacy once his tell-all book hits the shelves.
Publishing behemoth Harper Collins have reportedly penned a book deal with Mitch; the cab driver, and will apparently tell his side of Amy’s story, from her childhood – where she was the apple of his eye – to her huge success as the forerunner of the modern soul movement, her demise into damaging relationships and addictions and her eventual death earlier this year.
Since the chateause’s tragic, but not terribly surprising, passing on July 23, Amy has continued to create news for everything but her incredible talent. First her home was robbed while her family, and the world, grieved. Her family’s attempt to establish a charity foundation in her name were thwarted as an entrepreneurial stranger beat them to it; speculations were made as to what her missing millions were spent on and then there were the stories reporting the cause of her untimely death, both in the form of Mitch’s own theories and as filed by the coroner’s office.
The one positive morsel of attention given to her has been the release of her duet with legendary crooner Tony Bennett; the clip shows Amy months before her death looking in better health than she’d been seen for a long time.
At least by donating the proceeds of his memoir to the Amy Winehouse Foundation Mitch Winehouse will be able to create some good from the tragedy.