The sun is shining and the darkness is gone, as A Day To Remember tease away at their new happiness towards their new album.
Despite releasing an album just a few years ago with the title Bad Vibrations, it seems Jeremy McKinnon and the crew are in a happy mood, throwing on some Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch because they’ve got some good vibrations going on.
Singer Jeremy McKinnon spoke with NME and revealed that their forthcoming album has a happier vibe overall. “The mood in the camp is positive,” said the singer. “I think that shows in the songs too. It kind of feels like the happiest record that we’ve written in a minute – or ever. It’s definitely the happiest record we wrote to date. That’s definitely exciting for me. The name of the game this time was collaboration. You know, getting in a room together, getting in a room with people who inspire us, seeing what comes out.”
When asked if there was any darkness in the album, the singer added, “There’s hints of it everywhere, but I wouldn’t say as a whole it’s that. There are songs here and there that have those topics, those moods, but for the most part, it’s pretty positive.”
A Day To Remember seems to be willing to challenge themselves yet again, with collaboration and positivity on the clear agenda, and a variety of sounds being planned for the next project. “On one of the songs we go even more in the hardcore direction and it’s more influenced by real deal hardcore bands that are more modern,” says the singer. “We did one with Will Putney who’s an awesome, heavy producer. There are songs that have a more metal influence. There’s one that’s influenced by Tom Petty.”
Fans recently got their first taste of the new album with the single ‘Degenerates’. McKinnon also hinted that the forthcoming release should arrive by “the tail-end of this year.”
Watch the interview with NME below