An A-level student with a serious case of chutzpah has picked up his exam results whilst donning a GWAR costume.

Lani Hernandez-David, 18, turned up to his London school dressed in a homemade costume, paying homage to the US heavy metal band’s late frontman Oderus Urungus. It’s a display that perfectly encapsulates the sheer chaos of finishing high school exams during a global pandemic.

In an interview with NME, Hernandez revealed that he’s dressed up for World Book Day event since year 7, and found it only fitting to carry on his legacy as a cosplay king for results day.

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So today I dressed in my home made Oderus Urungus to pick up my A-level school results. I got a B in design technology and a D in art… oh well. All I’d like to say is that you don’t need the highest grades and you don’t need to go to Hollywood to be able to create cool shit. Anyways, this has been a fun project. Let’s try see if we can get an article made about this! Thanks for all the lovely support. Not for sale, will not make any for sale. If you want to buy an Official Oderus piece (or other GWAR pieces for that matter) message @maggotgrace or @sawborg_destructo . @gwar #oderus #sawborgdestructo #oderusurungus #balsac #flattusmaximus #pustulusmaximus #jizmakdagusha #beefcakethemighty #gwarmedallion #scumdogs #scumdogia #sickofyou #antartica #costume #mask #skull #bobgorman #sexecutioner #slymenstrahymen #bohabforlife #loudwire

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“Some of my friends knew but my school had no idea, however as soon as I walked into school they went, ‘Is that Lani?!’ as they’ve seen me dress up in previous years,” he revealed. “And I’m the only student in that school that would do something like that….”

Hernandez-David revealed that he only began listening to GWAR around six months ago at a friends recommendation. “As soon as I listened to their album ‘War Party’, I was hooked! And then I saw theatrical side of them live, and [learned] that they make their own costumes,” he revealed.

“I went, ‘OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE PERFECT BAND.’ I’m a musician myself, so seeing a band that plays live music with costumes they have made was super inspirational.”

Hernandez-David, a design student, has made a series of grizzly masks, including a treasure trove of masks chronicling the various era’s of Slipknot.

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