Adam Newling is the kind of salt of the earth of musician that’ll turn even the thorniest of hearts to mush. 

Newling has spent the past few years cutting his teeth on the Australian live music scene as a touring guitarist for Ruby Fields. 2020 has seen the musician step into the limelight with the release of his debut singles ‘Cheer Up’, ‘Morning Breath’ and his latest ‘Two of a Kind’. The singles are joy-inducing, and a testament to Newling’s introspective songwriting chops.

We’re huge fans of Newling so we sent him through a bunch of Get To Know questions in an attempt to unpack the enigma. Check out what he had to say for himself.

Check out ‘Two of a Kind’ by Adam Newling:

How would you describe your music to your grandma?

That’s tough. My grandma is very greek and her English is kind of limited as is her musical knowledge. I guess I’d say like if tv were still black and white and John Wayne played electric guitar, she did love that guy strangely because she can’t exactly understand him.

Tell us about your new single; what’s it about? 

‘Morning Breath’ is a song about having a  nostalgic view on all my past relationships, some were fun and some weren’t. Looking back I’ve taken something special away from all of them. I have a new song coming out very soon called ‘Two Of A Kind’ — it’s about a love-hate relationship with sobriety.

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Career highlight so far? 

I’ve been making music for a long time, I’ve played a lot of great shows with a lot of great people but right now the thing I’m most stoked about is releasing ‘Cheer Up’ as a solo artist and putting together a band of the finest friends and musicians I know.

Fave non-music hobby? 

I love origami, I’m not amazing at doing it but it’s a little ritual of mine when things get hectic to put some headphones on, listen to music and fold some paper.

What’s on your dream rider? 

I’m a simple guy so just one case of Coopers Red and some form of southern BBQ happening, please.

Dream music collaboration? 

I’d loved to have sung on Molly Burch’s Christmas album that would have put some blood in some places. Otherwise, I’d have a croon with Van Morrison but I’d probably shit myself.

Check out ‘Morning Breath’ by Adam Newling:

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Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

I know it’s pretty played out but I don’t care. Nashville baby! Everything I love and hold dear seems to have some kind of tie line to Nashville. I just want to know what it’s about so the missus and I plan to move there as soon as we can get a little dough behind us.

What’s your go-to karaoke song? 

‘(Now and Then There’s) A Fool Such as I’ by Elvis… or  ‘Scatman’ by Scatman John — that’s a real crowd-pleaser.

What’s on the cards for the future?

Hopefully heaps of what I’m already doing. I’ve got a lot of songs that I’ve written so probably an EP or two and an album. I can’t wait to hit the road and tour these songs I’ve been releasing once the world returns to some sort of normal. In a dream, I’d really love and hope to be playing around midwest America in an RV with my girl and my dog. Simple stuff you know.

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