Evanescence vocalist Amy Lee has mused on the hostile political climate in America, calling for unity and an end to political polarisation.
Amy Lee recently sat down for a conversation with Marc Wiser of 95.5 KLOS, where she delved into the futile nature of people with opposing political views refusing to engage in conversation with each other.
“We have to be able to have a conversation still,”Amy said. “Things haven’t always been this way, where we couldn’t have a conversation.”
She continued, “It’s either that you believe like me or I don’t talk to you and I don’t agree with you and I’m not listening to you, and, in fact, I’m plugging my ears and running in the other direction. That isn’t how this works. That’s not how any relationship works.”
Lee emphasised the importance of working together as a country, and treating people, no matter what their political beliefs may be, with respect.
“We are a country together, and we have to work together. And we all believe different things and we all have been through different things, we all have different perspectives, and that’s good — that’s part of what makes it awesome,” she shared.
“And it’s made up of a whole bunch of different people, and we have to find a way to work together. And we’re not always gonna agree, but that’s always been the case. We have to be able to move forward with respect and honor, and speak to each other like family, because we need to function like a functional family.”
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In September, Amy Lee sat down with Lisa Sanches of KLAQ to discuss the band’s single ‘Use My Voice’ — a track that celebrates the power of speaking out in the face of injustice.
During the interview Lee echoed her belief that strong opinions should always be backed by respect for fellow people.
“I feel like there’s a way that you can have a strong opinion and still be respectful to your fellow humans that don’t necessarily agree with you,” she mused.
“We all have different family members and friends that don’t believe exactly like we do and aren’t on the same political path, or whatever, in this moment when things are so controversial and crazy.”
“But we can still love each other and we can still respect each other and we can certainly still listen to each other, and that’s how it’s all gotta start. And I feel like that’s an important line in ‘Use My Voice’ — if we can’t talk about it, we’ll just keep drowning in it – I think that this is a year and a moment for awakening and conversation, and I wanna be a part of that.”
Evanescence’s forthcoming album, The Bitter Truth, is set for release later this year.
Check out ‘Use My Voice’ by Evanescence: