For fans of all things distinctly 90s, Empire Records has a cult following – for a slacker, music-loving teens it probably ignited the dream of one day spending endless hours working a minimum stress job in a record store and drilled in the
In the film, April 8th marks the day in which Rex Manning, a sleazy, satin wearing pop star visits the humble and authentic Empire Records for a signing which sees many-a mums and aunts make their way down to get CDs signed. He eventually leaves in a flurry after a personality clash with the bratty punk staff.
Now, it may have seemed like April 8th was a randomly selected date for the sake of movie continuity, however, the film’s star Ethan Embry who played Mark has just taken to Twitter to reveal why the choice was made.
According to Embray, filmmakers chose April 8th as it marks the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s passing, which he said was the day “music of the 90s lost its mascot”.
“The reason we picked April 8th as the day to have the powdered/coifed Rex Manning visit Empire is that Kurt was found on the 8th of April, the day the music of the 90s lost its mascot. #RexManningDay”
The reason we picked April 8th as the day to have the powdered/coifed Rex Manning visit Empire is because Kurt was found on the 8th of April, the day the music of the 90s lost its mascot.#RexManningDay
— Ethan Embry (@EmbryEthan) April 8, 2018
It was announced last week that the cult-classic would be receiving the Broadway Musical treatment, set to debut in 2020 to celebrate the film’s 25th anniversary with a director and creative team yet to be announced.