15 years ago, the Canadian indie favourites released their seminal debut album.

It’s hard to believe that Arcade Fire’s Funeral album is one year shy of its Sweet 16th, but here we are. While an anniversary tour hasn’t been announced (though it wouldn’t be hugely surprising if Arcade Fire did pull this sort of special run off), the band is celebrating this milestone this month by releasing some goodies for fans.

Today, they’ve shared a slick restored version of their first music video, for ‘Rebellion (Lies)’. Speaking with NME, Win Butler reflected on the video’s process.

“The ‘Rebellion’ video is the first video we made as a band, filmed in the months before the release of Funeral. Our friend Josh Deu, who used to play in Arcade Fire, did the visual effects on the video. Somehow along the way the wrong version got uploaded and the official video only existed in a degraded form.”

Watch the restored version of ‘Rebellion (Lies)’:

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Arcade Fire will be releasing never-before-released live footage and other exclusive content soon to mark the release and impact of Funeral.

The Gold certified album has widely been regarded as a classic of the indie wave of the 2000s, spawning singles ‘Wake Up’, and the ‘Neighbourhood’ series along with ‘Rebellion (Lies)’.

Watch ‘Wake Up’:

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