In recent times, there seems to have been a sickening increase in violence and sexual abuse at gigs. As we have recently reported though, numerous musicians around the country are taking a stand and telling the public that enough is enough.
Now, Hayley and Charlie from Canberra’s Moaning Lisa have taken to Facebook to call for an end to this behaviour at gigs, and have their own idea to help stamp it out.
The duo start their video positively, talking about the enjoyable portions of their recent gig, before bringing the focus to the “‘buffoons’ [that] slipped through the cracks somehow, and ruined the night for everyone else.”
Hayley and Charlie specifically call for those who believe that abuse at gigs “isn’t their problem” to stand up and call out those who engage in this behaviour.
Most notably though, is the fact that they have called for the introduction of a universal hand symbol, to be used as a signal for someone who is feeling uncomfortable or endangered. The symbol they have suggested is that of a ‘three’; that is, raising the three middle fingers on your hand as if you are mentioning the number.
The introduction of this symbol is intended to gain the attention of anyone in the immediate vicinity of the victim, whether it be a security guard, a fellow audience member, or even a member of the band. The intent is to draw attention to the person in trouble, and get them to safety as quickly as possible.
While this is sadly a conversation that we are still having despite the general consensus that this behaviour is not okay, the fact remains that abuse and sexual assault is far too rampant at gigs these days. This means that anything that helps anyone in danger, even if it is something small like a hand gesture, is a positive step.
Check out their video below, and let’s hope that soon, everyone can finally try and act like decent human beings to each other while attending a gig.