The Bad Religion are planing a new record. Cheers to that people.
In a recent chat between Bad Religion’s bassist Jay Bentley and fans via the bands website, Bentley revealed some very exciting news.
‘The band looks to enter the studio in late April of 2010 to record the follow up to 2007’s release New Maps of Hell’.
‘April 26th, 2010 is the date I have, so sometime around there. Just a few songs are written right now, it feels like the song writing is picking up momentum. Baker said he was going to drive up to Graffins, Brooks and I are going to do some demos with Brett, so we have a pretty good jump’.
Earlier this week Brett Gurewitz confirmed via Twitter that the record would arrive in late 2010.
With this exciting prospect and a recent sold out Australian tour we could not be happier.
Relive the memories of one of our favourite tunes: