Sure we’ve heard about you before, but we think it’s time for Tone Deaf to get to know you a little better. Slip in to something comfortable while we put on some music, pour us a couple of drinks and turn the lights down low. So, tell us about yourselves…Who are you – who who? We really wanna know….
Who are you and what do you do in your act?
Cristian Campano, singer and tambourine/maracas/bad jokes guy in Betty Airs.
‘Fess up. What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?
The whole Beatles box set last month actually. My brother was bumming hard. Man, I can’t get over how good they were at writing catchy hooks. Even their shit songs were glorious.
What’s on heavy rotation on your iPod right now?
The Beatles – Revolver
Fishing – Lophiiforme EP
The Horrors – Skying
The Vasco Era – The Vasco Era
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‘Home taping is killing the music business was the catch-cry of the record industry in the 1970s, but it managed to survive until now. What do you think is the difference between mates taping copies of friend’s records back in the 80s and 90s and file sharing now?
I guess it’s all quite impersonal now; you don’t sit around with buddies listening to Poison’s Open Up And Say Aaah, looking at album art and listening to it all. Those days are gone. But you can now come up with a song, record it and email it to your landlord within the hour. These new days are definitely getting radical.
You must answer this question honestly or we steal your rider. What was the first gig you went to.?Where was it and what was the venue?
Hmmmmm it’s a tough one, maybe Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1992 at The Entertainment Centre Sydney. I think I was 14, had a sweet undercut and shit half-dyed hair. Sadly that same year I wasn’t allowed entry into the way cooler Nirvana gig at the Phoenician Club in Sydney, as I was underage.
What’s your favourite site to download music from and do you ever pay for it? Can we find any of your releases there?
I pay for all Aussie releases and pay for bands who I know don’t make money. I get Elton John’s albums from Pirate Bay.
What artist made you want to pick up an instrument and/or sing?
Definitely Nirvana. I started my first band the year Kurt died in 1994 – The Stoned Dandelions. We lasted 2 jams. Second jam we heard Kurt had topped himself. Grunge kids got real emotional…
Have you ever been arrested?
Kind of, it was that same year. I think I was 14, had that shit hair and we got caught badging sports cars – real lame, yep. I think I wee’d my tracksuit pants. They were grey marle, not a good colour.
Do you have any particular ritual before you go on stage, or even a lucky charm you take with you?
I chew on ginger if my throat is a bit croaky then I high-five Daz, Zag and Pat. Dunno.
What’s been your most outrageous rider request?
We’re lucky to get half a middy of light beer these days.
Because it’s more fun to do things together, which living Australian artist would you most like to collaborate with? Tell us why?
Mike Whitney. Mike if you’re listening I wanna be in your cover band.
Right, let’s get really intimate. Tell us what releases you have that we can listen to with the lights down low, or even better, where we can see you play in person next.
We’ve just released the new single Juvenile, check the clip here and download the thing here.
We got shows….
Saturday November 5 – Official Single Launch!!! The Roxbury w/The Bungalows, The Ganaschz, Glebe NSW
Saturday November 12 – The Landsdowne w/Peabody, Sydney NSW
Saturday November 12 – The Gaelic w/British India, Surry Hills NSW
Sunday November 13 – Newtown Festival, Sydney NSW
Wednesday November 16 – Beach Road Hotel w/Wolf & Cub, Bondi NSW
Saturday November 19 – Pony, Melbourne VIC
Saturday November 19 – Yah Yah’s, Melbourne VIC
Saturday December 10 – Social Junk w/Goons Of Doom, Sydney NSW