U2’s Bono says he expects to be “back to full voice” after he was forced to cancel the band’s recent show in Germany.

Just last night, we reported about how U2 were forced to cancel their Saturday night show in Berlin after Bono lost his voice just a few songs into the evening’s set.

“During the fourth song, ‘Red Flag Day’, Bono’s voice deteriorated massively,” explained concertgoer Paul Jones. “He said it was something to do with the smoke that was set off.”

Videos from the venue also show Bono appearing quite helpless as he attempted to work out what was going on, calling the venue a “giant cigar” due to the smoke machines being used, and explaining that his voice was beginning to suffer.

“I’m sure this is not a big, big problem – but I’m going to have to do something.” Bono explained to the crowd. “If people want to go home, that’s fine – we’ll play another show for you another time.”

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The band later took to the Internet to explain the situation, posting a statement on their website to apologise for the abrupt cancellation.

“We’re so sorry for tonight’s cancellation,” U2 wrote. “Bono was in great form and great voice prior to the show and we were all looking forward to the second night in Berlin, but after a few songs, he suffered a complete loss of voice.”

“We don’t know what has happened and we’re taking medical advice.”

Now, Bono has taken to the Internet reassure his fans that he’s on the mend, and that U2’s upcoming gigs won’t be affected by his recent loss of voice.

“I’ve seen a great doctor and with his care I’ll be back to full voice for the rest of the tour,” explained Bono in a new statement online. “So happy and relieved that anything serious has been ruled out.”

“My relief is tempered by the knowledge that the Berlin audience were so inconvenienced,” he continued. “There was an amazing atmosphere in the house, it was going to be one of those unforgettable nights but not for this reason.”

The band have also rescheduled their cancelled Berlin show for a later date in November. Here’s hoping that U2 won’t be affected by any further vocal troubles in the near future!

Check out U2′ performance of ‘Red Flag Day’:

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