A popular triple j loving Facebook group dubbed ‘Sultanaposting’ has come up with the perfect pre-festival drinking game – triple j Cards Against Humanity.

Taking inspiration from the official Cards Against Humanity game, this new edition would feature cards which would “be for triple j listeners everywhere and create almost a perfect game for pre drinks at festivals or hottest 100 [sic] day festivities.”

Some card suggestions coming from the group’s members include the ever popular phrase “FUCKEN CHOON”, to the ever-so-sweet “Bridget (our lord and saviour) Hustwaite”.

On the more controversial side of cards are “A punch from Dylan Frost” [frontman of Sticky Fingers], and the also Sticky Fingers related “You bunch of fucking maggots” – stemming from that time Paddy Cornwall went in on triple j.

The idea stemmed from one of the group’s members, Trent O’Driscoll. In an exclusive to Tone Deaf, he said: “I was just scrolling through Facebook , listening to a bitta music really and then I just sorta had a meme idea, centred around triple j and cards against humanity.”

“I sorta went, ‘Damn like imagine a cards against humanity game but about triple j’. So I posted a poll on the Sultanaposting page. I got an incredibly positive response so I made the Google Doc and it went from there,” he said.

O’Driscoll continues: “Well our first plan is just to get the set completed, like get to 245 white cards. From there we will put it onto on online game and run tests to make sure it works and it’s enjoyable, make sure the cards make sense and all that.”

“And then if we’re getting a really positive response we’ll have to sorta out licensing, branding, naming, etc.”

The creator has bold plans to create a Kickstarter campaign to fund his ambitious project, but first he needs your help.

“If we haven’t run into any copyright issues, we’ll run a Kickstarter campaign to be able to print 100 or so games and figure out pricing and start selling them hopefully,” the creator said.

“The best way for people to get involved is just to show lots of support – contribute any card ideas to the Google Docs, and provide heaps of feedback. My inbox is always open for anyone who has an idea, or knows someone somewhere that could help”

Check out this N.S.F.W Cards Against Humanity video:


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