Fourteen years since the infamous onstage bust up at Brixton Academy in December 1996, Max Cavalera is contemplating rejoining his old band for some shows. Cavalera, who went on to form Soulfly, is considering burying the hatchet on one of the more infamous bust ups in metal.
“It would have been cool to do it next year,” Cavalera told the Phoenix New Times. “A lot of people ask me [about the reunion], and sometimes I feel optimistic. I convinced Iggor [his brother and former Sepulutura drummer] to do it, ’cause he didn’t want to have anything to do with [bassist Paulo Jr. and guitarist Andreas Kisser] ever again. I convinced him to do it for me, and he said he’d do it for me if that was the case, but the other two guys, it’s kinda hard. They’re still trapped in an old mindset, so it’s just something that’s gonna have to wait.”
“I mean, there’s a lot of cool offers for us around the world,” he continued. “People want to see that reunion, so I’ll just kinda wait and see. In the meantime, I’m super busy with Soulfly and Cavalera Conspiracy. So, if that happens, it’s cool. If it doesn’t, it’s still cool. I’m busy anyway.”