With CherryRock 2016 set to kick off this weekend, Australia’s only dedicated rock and roll street festival is ready once again to blow the non-existent roof off of AC/DC Lane.
“Ten years under our belts and I firmly believe this is our best line-up ever,” said Cherry owner and booker James Young. “The Sigit from Indonesia sound like Graveyard from Sweden! Kadavar are my favourite band in the world and AC/DC Lane will grow a beard while these hairy Germans play.”
“Supersuckers were born with a tail and will finally shake that tail in AC/DC Lane. And with locals such as High Tension, Power, Dead City Ruins and Dallas Frasca I know Melbourne’s CherryRock street rock n roll festival shall stand proudly beside the legendary Richie Ramone himself, together, too tough too die!”
To celebrate the huge milestone for this incredible festival, we caught up with the Cherry Bar legend James Young to find out just how he’s managed to keep the festival cranking for a decade.
On clocking 10 years
Ten large, hairy, denim-clad, beer-spilling years in AC/DC Lane, yes. And as the Ramones’ record Richie Ramone played on and co-wrote declares, “Too Tough To Die”. And Richie is co-headlining CherryRock016 this Sunday, as you know. Can’t wait to hear AC/DC Lane singing like they’re in church, “Somebody Put Something In My Drink.”
How To Make It To 10 Years
Dumb luck or strategic genius. Not sure which. I think we accidentally stumbled upon the music festival survival model. Modest capacity, affordable ticket price, unique space and a commitment to only putting on hard rock acts we absolutely love. I’d take a bullet for any band on my line-ups. A small rubber bullet fired into a very fat bullet-proof vest.
Did You Ever think You’d Make It To 10 Years?
You seem to have a theme running in your questions. I like it. Look when we started CherryRock my dream was to create a festival with one aim: To get AC/DC to play in AC/DC Lane. I’m still chasing that dream. Phill Rudd would fit right in let’s face it. Until AC/DC play we’ll just keeping on hosting Australia’s only dedicated street rock n roll festival. There is no finish line. Commit. Day drink. That’s where it’s at.
Best Cherry Line Up In History
Our tenth birthday line-up. Kadavar (Germany), Richie Ramone (USA), Supersuckers (USA), Gay Paris (Sydney), The Sigit (Indonesia), Polish Club (Sydney), Power (Footscray), Dead City Ruins, High Tension, Dallas Frasca, Mammoth Mammoth, Mesa Cosa and Devil Electric. Hands down best line-up ever. AC/DC Lane is going to grow a beard. A tough rockin’ one that eats shit hipster beards for breakfast.
Favourite CherryRock Moment
A: Hard to go past CherryRock008 when Six Ft Hick played with the two topless lead singing brothers screaming their guttural scarred lungs out, twisting and writhing on stage, physically menacing each other…all while they were being showered by the squirted breast milk of a lactating curvaceous new Mum, who had Mother’s Milk firing into their faces and open mouths from at least three metres away. You don’t see that everyday.
Fu Manchu headlining for the first time in Australia in over ten years was also stellar.
Why You Can’t Miss the Cherry Rock 10 Year Celebration
A: 2 stages, 13 acts, no clashes. Ten years. Cherry Bar and AC/DC Lane Melbourne, a true celebration of rock n roll both international and local. It’s going to be like a group denim-hug.
But remember, if you can’t rock n roll, don’t fuckin’ come.
Richie Ramone
Gay Paris
The Sigit
High Tension
Polish Club
Dead City Ruins
Dallas Frasca
Mammoth Mammoth
Mesa Cosa
Devil Electric
Sunday, 1st May 2016
AC/DC Lane, Melbourne
Tickets: Cherry Bar