Cleveland noise-makers Cloud Nothings have been relatively quiet since unveiling their highly acclaimed 2014 album Here and Nowhere Else, but they’ve now confirmed that they plan to release the follow-up some time this year.
That’s according to frontman Dylan Baldi, who recently spoke to ColumbusAlive and revealed that the follow-up to Here and Nowhere Else is due out “this fall”, which is our summer so we can expect it towards the end of the year.
According to Baldi, the next Cloud Nothings album will be more “vocal-heavy”. “On [the first album] I’m just quietly mumbling into a microphone… Then we made our record [in 2011] … and I was terrified to record my voice so I sang in a fake, high-pitched, nasally whine,” Baldi said.
“Then with [Attack on Memory from 2012] I was like, ‘Maybe I’ll try to sing,’ but I still don’t think I was very good. Every record is just learning to be better at everything I do.”
Baldi also said to expect a slower record to reflect how the lives of the band members have slowed down. “Within the last couple years [political and social issues] have been a little more present in my life,” Baldi continued.
“We’re taking a more outward view with this record, but it’s still through an internal filter. It’s about bigger things than me complaining — in my mind, at least.” Add that to our list of our most eagerly anticipated albums of 2016.